


  • 關鍵字搜尋
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    (演講)International Conference on Process Philosophy and Spiritual EcologySeeking a Philosophical Foundation for An Age of Spiritual Ecology: Natural Theology Revisited俞懿嫻 Yih-Hsien Yu
    (演講)安徽大學哲學講座方程二先生與懷德海相遇俞懿嫻 Yih-Hsien Yu
    (演講)教育哲學專題演講教育研究的哲學思維:從胡塞爾(E. Husserl)到懷海德(A. N. Whitehead)俞懿嫻 Yih-Hsien Yu
    (演講)紀念利瑪竇逝世四百週年國際學術研討會:東西方對話的初啟與開展 (International Symposium in Commemoration of the 400th Anniversary of Matteo Ricci 1552-1610: The Genesis and Development of East-West Dialogue)利瑪竇、萊布尼茲與「禮儀之爭」俞懿嫻 Yih-Hsien Yu
    (演講)「中華傳統與全球倫理的互動」工作坊主題演講全球倫理與人格教育--哲學分析俞懿嫻 Yih-Hsien Yu
    (演講)專題演講道德教育與哲學俞懿嫻 Yih-Hsien Yu
    (演講)教育部補助大專院校通識教育,<四大聖哲與心靈治療>活動蘇格拉底與心靈治療俞懿嫻 Yih-Hsien Yu
    (演講)16th Conference of International Society for Chinese Philosophy, 2009 Towards the World: Philosophical Dialogue and Cultural ConversationThe Yijing, Whitehead, and Time Philosophy俞懿嫻 Yih-Hsien Yu
    (演講)The 7th International Whitehead Conference ProcessCreativity, Whitehead, and the Yijing.俞懿嫻 Yih-Hsien Yu
    (演講)「教育發展與革新的沉思---哲學與歷史的觀察」國際學術研討會創造綜合:論教育哲學研究的新方向俞懿嫻 Yih-Hsien Yu
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